About Me

My name is Dr Melany McKenna, founder of WellbeingWorks. I am a Clinical Psychologist, Cognitive Analytic Practitioner and Executive Coach with over 15 years of experience of applying psychological principles to people and teams to help them function more efficiently and more compassionately. After experiencing burnout myself, I am passionate about cultivating cultures of meaningful mental health support and viewing this in parity with physical health. 

I use Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) as my main psychological model as CAT helps us better understand and navigate our relationship with ourselves, and with others, and I am passionate about supporting people to develop these skills in their working  and therapeutic relationships.  

In addition to Cognitive Analytic Therapy, my practise is informed by a range of psychological models including Psychodynamic theory, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), Mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), 

I hold professional registration with the Health Care Professions Council (PYL23816) and am accredited with the Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy.